Monday, September 17, 2012

The Beginning

はじめまして。おおのです。どうぞよろしく。As of right now, that's close to all I can say/write in Japanese; I guess you have to start somewhere. I have decided to start taking Japanese relatively late in my Princeton career because, having spent my childhood in THE whitest state in the country (Maine), I am eager to explore and embrace the Japanese part of my heritage (my father was born in Japan). I'm excited to learn enough Japanese so that I can, at the very least, survive a future trip to Japan on my own and hopefully be able to have at least a basic conversation or two with my obaa-chan (おばあちゃん perhaps?) in her native language. What I have been finding most difficult is reading the hiragana quickly. The characters are just so new to me that even if I know the meaning it takes me a little while to process them. Hopefully practice will make it easier. Well, I'm excited to begin.


  1. Processing information and speaking Japanese at the speed of a native speaker is hard too. がんばって下さい!

  2. ほんとうに??
    I didn't believe your state was whiter than mine, so I looked it up and it is true!

    That's so cool you'll be able to speak Japanese with your relatives. :) They'll have you speaking like a native in no time heheh.

  3. Hey おおの、 はじめまして!毅(たけし)です。わたしもはんぶんにほんじんです! ちちもにほんからきました。でも、わたしはカリフォニアのサンフアンシスコからきました。ははもカリフォニアからきました。

    どうぞ よろしく。

    P.S. Does your grandmother speak English? Mine doesn't, so にほんごをべんきょうしましょう!
